Xbox’s Game Pass now rewards users for playing PC games


Microsoft is allowing PC Game Pass members over the age of 18 to earn rewards by playing PC games, a perk previously available only to console gamers with a Game Pass Ultimate subscription. This goes into effect on January 7.

Subscribers (on PC or console) will earn points by playing any game from the Game Pass catalog for 15 minutes or more. Do that for five days a week, and they’ll start a streak that increases a multiplier. A four-week streak results in four times the points. There are additional bonuses for playing four or eight different titles per month, but again, they’ll have to meet that 15 minute threshold.

While PC players are no longer left out, the points only rack up on Game Pass catalog games — games requiring a third-party launcher, including anything through, don’t count.

The PC Weekly bonus will also be available to all Game Pass Rewards members above the age of 18. Additionally, the console weekly bonus and daily PC play are rebalanced to 150 points and 10 points, respectively.

As touched on by , Microsoft kneecapped the Game Pass experience in recent memory, as rewards were made more challenging to obtain. It seems like the tech giant is trying to get into the good graces of Game Pass subscribers again.

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