TMZ Studios
There’s a presidential conspiracy coming out of the White House … about the leader of the free world taking extra steps to keep their feces a secret … and this poop may hold water.
TMZ Studios has a new series, “Strange & Suspicious,” now airing on a dozen FOX stations, where we explore strange, unexplained and downright weird stories … including the possibility foreign adversaries try to dig up dirt on POTUS by digging through his poo.
Think about it … there’s a lot that can be learned from taking a sample of someone’s crap … like finding out if they suffer from cancer.
With this in mind, there are a lot of folks out there who believe our adversaries are on the hunt for presidential poop … in order to get the scoop on the Commander in Chief.
In fact, some journalists and conspiracy theorists claim former presidents like George W. Bush went to great lengths to keep their feces a dark secret … even bringing in special toilets for trips.
It’s not a conspiracy confined to U.S. presidents either … there’s video of Russian President Vladimir Putin leaving a bathroom at a conference, with a suspicious man carrying out a briefcase … presumably filled with Putin’s poo.

Everyone’s paranoid these days and countries are looking for any edge they can find … so it’s a topic worth exploring on “Strange & Suspicious.” Click here to see when and where the show airs.