UFOs are seemingly all around us these days … and the latest sighting of one of these unidentified saucers occurred in Nevada on Friday.
Here’s what happened … a woman named Katrina and her buddies were hanging out in the city of Henderson around 10 PM when they suddenly saw a bright round light shimmering high up in the sky.
Check out the video, obtained by TMZ … the glistening object started flying in a diagonal pattern before moving up and down. At some point, you can see a plane streaking by, but it never gets too close to the alleged UFO.
Then the shiny light slowly begins to dim and descend until it completely disappears from sight.

Katrina and her pals are totally wowed by the visual experience as you can hear in the video.

But, like we said, this is just the latest possible UFO sighting … recently, there was another case in NYC where a dark-colored disk was caught on video whizzing through the air near LaGuardia Airport.
Still, the question everyone seems to have … is any of this real? No one really knows.