Anya Mack, a junior at Kingstree High School and a Dual Enrollment student at Francis Marion University, has been elected to serve as the South Carolina Future Business Leaders of America District III vice president for 2024-25 Year.
Anya will advocate and serve as a resource for chapters throughout the state. Anya is eager to support more training opportunities, higher levels of engagement among local chapters, and an increase in networking opportunities among scholars.
Anya is the daughter of Nacarlos and Shaunta Mack of Kingstree.
Future Business Leaders of America, Inc. (FBLA) is the premier business career student organization in the world. Each year, FBLA helps over 250,000 student members prepare for careers in business and business-related fields. FBLA’s programs focus on leadership development, academic competitions, educational programs, membership benefits, community service, and awards & recognition. You can reach Nichole by email at news@kingstreenews.com.