Miranda Derrick says the new Netflix doc that makes it look like she’s in a cult is causing her a bunch of problems — namely, death threats … and she is laying some of the blame at her family’s feet.
The TikTok star hopped on social media Monday and posted a video, claiming folks are sending her all sorts of nasty comments … including threats of physical violence. She says things are to the point where she doesn’t feel safe.
‘Dancing For The Devil’ is the popular new Netflix doc taking a look at Miranda, characterizing her and others involved with 7M Films as brainwashed sheep beholden to an alleged cult leader, Dr. Robert Shinn.
Miranda’s family is heavily featured in the doc and they claim Robert’s church and production company is driving a wedge between Miranda and her relatives.
MD, however, says she’d been quietly working to repair the relationship with her family behind the scenes … but now she’s saying their involvement in the doc is a setback in that process.
Lotsa folks have been tuning in to ‘DFTD’ on Netflix … and Miranda says that’s in turn caused some from the unhinged crowd to come after her … and therefore her family is at least partially responsible here, at least in her view.

For her part, Miranda’s denied being in a cult and says she isn’t brainwashed … and now it sounds like she’s got bigger problems than just public perception.