The woman who berated Kylie Kelce during a confrontation in New Jersey earlier this month has just issued an apology for her “heated” actions.
If you missed it … the altercation went down over Memorial Day Weekend, when Andrée Goldberg‘s attempt to get a picture with Kylie and Jason Kelce outside of Steve & Cookies in Margate City went sideways.

Witnesses say Goldberg snapped after the Kelces declined the photo-op … claiming she got in Kylie’s face, and yelled that the Eagles star’s wife “will never be allowed in this town again.” Parts of the impassioned argument were captured on video.
On Thursday night, Goldberg said in a statement to WPVI-TV she was “sorry” for her behavior … and insisted it was all out of character for her.
“Although I apologized directly to the Kelce family on Saturday,” she said, “I want to publicly apologize to them, and our community. My anger, and my actions, are not who I am, and certainly not indicative of the welcoming community of Margate.”
She continued, “As an adult and proud member of my community, I should have recognized and respected their right to privacy from the onset. I am deeply appreciative of the grace and understanding shown to me by the Kelces and wish them nothing but the best.”
Kylie has not publicly commented on the issue.

New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment
For his part, Jason avoided talking about the tiff on this week’s episode of “New Heights” — but he did speak glowingly about the weekend getaway nonetheless.
Margate City mayor Michael Collins, meanwhile, issued a public apology on the city’s behalf for the unfortunate incident … and offered the famous couple a free dinner on him if and when they return.