YouTube / Hon J Cedric Simpson Live Feed
A Michigan judge was left practically speechless after a suspended driver video called into his courtroom … while doing the one thing he definitely shouldn’t have been doing.
Check it out … Corey Harris joined his court hearing for driving with a suspended license via Zoom on May 15 … and to the surprise of the court, is visibly driving a car.
Corey makes it no secret that he is driving either … when a shocked Judge J. Cedric Simpson asks him if he is, in fact, operating a vehicle, CH replies … “I’m pulling into my doctor’s office actually.”
Actually, Corey says this a number of times, really hamming it up as he puts the car into park.
Judge Simpson’s jaw understandably drops, as Corey is blatantly breaking the law in front of courtroom officials. The stunned judge then states to Corey’s attorney … “So maybe I don’t understand something. This is a driving with a suspended license [case]. And he was just driving. And he didn’t have a license.” The attorney confirms all of that is factual.
It’s at this moment Corey realizes he’s made a major mistake … and tries to chime in to defend himself. His lawyer intervenes, attempting to rectify the situation — to no avail.
Judge Simpson then issues a no-nonsense response to the situation, revoking Corey’s bail and ordering he turn himself in to the Washington County Jail by 6 p.m. that evening. Doh!