- by Elizabeth Cason – This is the underdog we all need.
2. By Hannah Bishop – We’ve all heard of the Lord of the Rings, but the Lord of the Falls is far superior in my book!
3. Sara Curtis – May the fattest win.
4. I love you, Otis! – Claire, age 10
5. Nick Day
Fluffy and great,
salmon on my plate,
winning is my fate!
Vote for holly, don’t be late!
6. #1 grazer stan – It’s time for a new champion of fatness. Time for a bear who has put in the work day after day, night after night, dedicating herself to corpulence. It’s time for Grazer.
7. Kankana Shukla
Big butt, no neck, give me fish, give me a snack!
Vote for 402’s cub!
8. ‘Boobeary’ Derrick – Paw vote for Otis.
9. Studio Prof – Look at that, no salmon left behind.
10. Tracy Pettit – Holly – Queen of the North